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Francisco Cortes' Pluma 🇲🇽

Francisco Cortes' Pluma 🇲🇽

Washed - Mexico

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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Flavor Profile

  • Strawberry Shortcake
  • Milk Chocolate
  • Violets

Variety & Processing


  • Pluma (Natural mutation of Typica native to Mexico)

Processing Method

  • Fermented in wooden tanks for 18-24 hours
  • Dried it for 6-10 days on patios


San Juan Ozotopec, Sierra Sur, Oaxaca, Mexico (1600-masl)


Sourced by Red Fox Coffee Merchants

Francisco Cortes

Francisco Cortes produces coffee in the Ozolotepec region of Oaxaca’s renowned Sierra Sur province. His farm is located at an altitude of 1600 masl. He farms the elegant, iconic (Pluma or Pluma Hildago) Typica variety In Oaxaca’s native loam, producing phenomenal results. Francisco has his own washing station at his house, where he ferments the coffee in wooden tanks for 18-24 hours, then dries it for 6-10 days on patios.

He usually keeps a distance of 2 meters between rows and 1.5 meters between seedlings. Between each row, Francisco places a plant that serves to separate the rows and keep the coffee trees apart. He uses native trees such as ice cream bean trees and avocado to shade their coffee trees. These trees provide not only shade, but also various benefits such as food, ornamentation, medicine, construction materials, nitrogen fixing, and water retention. His family and community get together to meet all the farm’s harvest needs, since it’s so small and outside labor is scarce. Francisco plants corn, timber trees, and bananas as alternatives to coffee, as well as raising farm animals for family consumption.

Land and processing equipment in San Juan Ozolotepec is shared amongst producers in this community. Each farmer manages 1-5 hectares of space and some travel more than 2 hours to reach their farms. The Oaxaca sourcing landscape is uniquely decentralized, presenting both challenges and opportunities for us as a sourcing company and for the communities and families we work with.

Shipping & Fulfillment

All online orders will be packaged and shipped on Fridays

All coffee is shipped as close to roast date as possible, however we find our coffees taste best 3-6 weeks off roast.